ChatGPT: OpenAI’s new Artificial Intelligent chatbot

Abhishek Srivastava
8 min readDec 21, 2022

There’s a new AI bot in town: ChatGPT. The tool, from a power player in artificial intelligence, lets you type questions using natural language that the chatbot answers in conversational, if somewhat stilted, language. The bot remembers the thread of your dialog, using previous questions and answers to inform its next responses. Its answers are derived from huge volumes of information on the internet.

What is ChatGPT?

Using dialogue-based AI, ChatGPT can understand the natural language of humans and produce text that is remarkably detailed and human-like. It is a recent development in the text-generating AIs known as the “generative pre-trained transformer” (GPT). For full detail click here.

ChatGPT, a bot that converses with humans via cutting-edge artificial intelligence. The bot can help you write code, compose essays, dream up stories, and decorate your living room. And that’s just what people discovered on day one. Click here to know about ChatGBT 3 from here.

You can also check the github project for complete overview from here.

Who created it?

A chatbot called ChatGPT was introduced by artificial intelligence researcher Jeremy Howard.

The newest chatbot from Elon Musk’s research organization, OpenAI, is the new AI. In a blog post from late 2015, Musk stated that the research centre would “advance digital intelligence in the way that is most likely to benefit humanity.”

ChatGPT is developed by OpenAI Inc. which is a California-based company and it is famous for its GPT-3 Software. GPT-3 software was released to reply to text prompts.

When did the Chat GPT launch?

The OpenAI GPT-3.5 language model, an upgraded version of GPT-3, served as the foundational model that was adjusted. Although its factual accuracy has been criticized, ChatGPT has gained attention for its in-depth and thoughtful responses since its November 2022 launch.

How does it function?

The system is created to provide information and respond to queries through a conversational interface. A sample text pulled from the internet is used to train the AI. The new AI was developed with a focus on usability. The research organization stated last week that “the dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer follow-up questions, admit its errors, challenge false premises, and reject inappropriate requests.”

What is its use?

Because it can provide descriptions, answers, and solutions to complex questions, including how to write code, how to solve layout issues, and how to answer optimization queries, the technology has been referred to by early users as a Google alternative.

Applications in the real world might include producing content for websites, responding to customer inquiries, making recommendations, and developing automated chatbots. The system was described as “an early demo of what’s possible” by Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI. Soon, you’ll be able to communicate with helpful assistants who can respond to your questions and offer guidance. Later, you’ll be able to have something that works for you automatically. You may eventually have something set off that finds new information for you.

Can humans be replaced by ChatGPT?

There has been speculation that occupations reliant on content creation, such as playwrights, professors, programmers, and journalists, could become obsolete. Since its release, academics have produced exam answers that they claim would receive full marks if submitted by an undergraduate, and programmers have used the tool to quickly solve coding problems in specialized programming languages. Some people have suggested that technology could replace journalists because it can produce written text that looks and sounds like human speech. The chatbot, however, lacks the sophistication, critical-thinking abilities, or capacity for moral judgment that are necessary for successful journalism at this point. Some queries and searches will be useless after the current knowledge base expires in 2021. According to the company, ChatGPT can also write “plausible-sounding but incorrect or nonsensical answers,” which present incorrect information as fact. The data that OpenAI uses to train the model lacks a source of truth and supervised training can be deceptive because “the ideal answer depends on what the model knows, rather than what the human demonstrator knows,” according to OpenAI.

Is ChatGPT free?

Yes, for now at least. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman warned on Sunday, “We will have to monetize it somehow at some point. The compute costs are eye-watering.” OpenAI charges for DALL-E art once you exceed a basic free level of usage.

Could ChatGPT replace humans?

There has been speculation that professions dependent upon content production could be rendered obsolete, including everything from playwrights and professors to programmers and journalists.

Features of ChatGPT

  • It can understand and respond in the natural Language.
  • This technology uses deep learning to produce human-like text that can respond to everything from stories, Mathematical solutions to theoretical essays.
  • ChatGPT can remember earlier comments in a conversation and recount them to the user with its unique memory.
  • Its intelligence can provide a detailed answer to historical arguments to poems on any topic.
  • In comparison to its predecessor, InstructGPT, ChatGPT attempts to reduce harmful and deceitful responses to the users.
  • ChatGPT was developed in such a way that it uses reinforcement learning from human feedback.
  • ChatGPT can suggest anything about how to celebrate a birthday party, and how to write an essay. It helps to solve the reasoning questions.

What are the limits of ChatGPT?

As OpenAI emphasizes, ChatGPT can give you wrong answers. Sometimes, helpfully, it’ll specifically warn you of its own shortcomings. For example, when I asked it who wrote the phrase “the squirming facts exceed the squamous mind,” ChatGPT replied, “I’m sorry, but I am not able to browse the internet or access any external information beyond what I was trained on.” (The phrase is from Wallace Stevens’ 1942 poem Connoisseur of Chaos.)

ChatGPT was willing to take a stab at the meaning of that expression: “a situation in which the facts or information at hand are difficult to process or understand.” It sandwiched that interpretation between cautions that it’s hard to judge without more context and that it’s just one possible interpretation.

ChatGPT’s answers can look authoritative but be wrong.

The software developer site StackOverflow banned ChatGPT answers to programming questions. Administrators cautioned, “because the average rate of getting correct answers from ChatGPT is too low, the posting of answers created by ChatGPT is substantially harmful to the site and to users who are asking or looking for correct answers.”

You can see for yourself how artful a BS artist ChatGPT can be by asking the same question multiple times. I asked twice whether Moore’s Law, which tracks the computer chip industry’s progress increasing the number of data-processing transistors, is running out of steam, and I got two different answers. One pointed optimistically to continued progress, while the other pointed more grimly to the slowdown and the belief “that Moore’s Law may be reaching its limits.”

Both ideas are common in the computer industry itself, so this ambiguous stance perhaps reflects what human experts believe.

With other questions that don’t have clear answers, ChatGPT often won’t be pinned down.

The fact that it offers an answer at all, though, is a notable development in computing. Computers are famously literal, refusing to work unless you follow exact syntax and interface requirements. Large language models are revealing a more human-friendly style of interaction, not to mention an ability to generate answers that are somewhere between copying and creativity.

Will ChatGPT help students cheat better?

Yes, but as with many other technology developments, it’s not a simple black and white situation. Decades ago, students could copy encyclopedia entries, and more recently, they’ve been able to search the internet and delve into Wikipedia entries. ChatGPT offers new abilities for everything from helping with research to doing your homework for you outright. Many ChatGPT answers already sound like student essays, though often with a tone that’s stuffier and more pedantic than a writer might prefer.

Can ChatGPT write software?

Yes, but with caveats. ChatGPT can retrace steps humans have taken, and it can generate actual programming code. You just have to make sure it’s not bungling programming concepts or using software that doesn’t work. The StackOverflow ban on ChatGPT-generated software is there for a reason.

But there’s enough software on the web that ChatGPT really can work. One developer, Cobalt Robotics Chief Technology Officer Erik Schluntz, tweeted that ChatGPT provides useful enough advice that over three days, he hasn’t opened StackOverflow once to look for advice.

Another, Gabe Ragland of AI art site Lexica, used ChatGPT to write website code built with the React tool.

ChatGPT can parse regular expressions (regex), a powerful but complex system for spotting particular patterns, for example dates in a bunch of text or the name of a server in a website address. “It’s like having a programming tutor on hand 24/7,” tweeted programmer James Blackwell about ChatGPT’s ability to explain regex.

Here’s one impressive example of its technical chops: ChatGPT can emulate a Linux computer, delivering correct responses to command-line input.

What’s off limits?

ChatGPT is designed to weed out “inappropriate” requests, a behavior in line with OpenAI’s mission “to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity.”

If you ask ChatGPT itself what’s off limits, it’ll tell you: any questions “that are discriminatory, offensive, or inappropriate. This includes questions that are racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or otherwise discriminatory or hateful.” Asking it to engage in illegal activities is also a no-no.

Is this better than Google search?

Asking a computer a question and getting an answer is useful, and often ChatGPT delivers the goods.

Google often supplies you with its suggested answers to questions and with links to websites that it thinks will be relevant. Often ChatGPT’s answers far surpass what Google will suggest, so it’s easy to imagine GPT-3 is a rival.

But you should think twice before trusting ChatGPT. As with Google itself and other sources of information like Wikipedia, it’s best practice to verify information from original sources before relying on it.

Vetting the veracity of ChatGPT answers takes some work because it just gives you some raw text with no links or citations. But it can be useful and in some cases thought provoking. You may not see something directly like ChatGPT in Google search results, but Google has built large language models of its own and uses AI extensively already in search.

So ChatGPT is doubtless showing the way toward our tech future.

Thanks for reading..



Abhishek Srivastava

Senior Software Engineer | Android | Java | Kotlin | Xamarin Native Android | Flutter | Go